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Product    Janabima    Children Education Security

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Children education security scheme of JANABIMA enables mass people to let their children receive the education without worrying about the undue burden of educational expenses. It is a helpful step towards the educated Bangladesh.


Features & Eligibility:

Types of Plan: It is an Endowment assurance plan to perform children's education
Minimum entry age: 21 years
Maximum entry age: 40 years
Minimum sum assured: Tk. 6,000/=
Maximum sum assured:Tk. 50,000/=
Minimum maturity age: 28 years
Maximum maturity age: 60 years
Policy terms: 10, 15 & 20 years
Mode of payment: Monthly.
Premium Calculation:Premium rate chart(per thousand) given in the brochure.


"On death of the Life insured within the term"
01.A monthly Education Allowance to the beneficiary child till the end of selected term @Tk. 10.00 per Tk. 1000/-Sum insured.
02. From the end of selected term, increased monthly Education Allowance for higher education for five years certain @ Tk. 20.00 per Tk. 1000/- Sum insured (or)
03.Payment of the Sum insured on the date selected as a lump sum.

"On Survival to the end of the term selected"
01.Payment of the Sum Insured with guaranteed bonus of Tk. 20.00 per Tk. 1000/-Per Year (or)
02.Payment of Education Annuity @ Tk. 20.00 per Tk. 1000/-Sum insured per month for 5 years certain and payment of guaranteed bonus in lump sum.
God forbid, if the child dies, the policy can be continued in replacement with another child or by the policy holder himself.

Supplementary Insurance Brochure

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