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Product    Janabima    Monthly Savings Insurance (MSI)

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Monthly savings scheme is a very popular savings scheme among the people of the country. of this project Through this, a huge population of the country saves on a monthly basis with a profit at the end of a specified period All savers get money back, which enriches their economic lives. In that light National Life Insurance Company Ltd. is a monthly savings based called Monthly Savings Insurance (With Profit). Insurance has introduced which is a savings and security plan at the same time.

"Monthly Savings Insurance (MSI)"

(With Profit)

Features & Eligibility:

Types of plan: It is a whole life assurance plan with profit.
Minimum entry age: 18 years
Maximum entry age: 60 years
Minimum sum assured:Tk. 30,000/=
Policy terms: 70 years.
Mode of payment: Monthly (minimum monthly premium 100/- and its multiples).
Term of policy:From 5 to 25 years
Income tax: Income tax relief permissible.
Premium Calculation : Premium rate chart (per thousand) given in the brochure.
Supplementary Raid:Supplementary insurance cannot be taken with this insurance.


Survival: On survival of the policy holder up to maturity full sum assured with accrued bonus will be paid.
Death: On death of the policy holder sum assured with accrued bonus up to that day will be paid.
Others:The premium of this insurance is free from income tax.

Supplementary Insurance Brochure

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