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Product    Group Insurance    Group Pension Insurance

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There is no alternative to group pension insurance to make retirement financially worry-free. This insurance continues till death with guaranteed pension payment for 10 (ten) years at the end of the insurance term.

Associate Insurance (Group Pension Insurance)

One or all of the following ancillary insurances may be taken with the above insurance.

Accidental Death Double Indemnity Insurance: The death claim is paid twice the sum assured on accidental death at an additional small premium with the basic insurance.
Accidental Personal Loss Insurance: In case of loss body parts as a result of the accident, the whole or partial claim of the sum insured is paid in excess.

Sum insured is determined in two ways

(a) The sum insured may be determined as a fixed multiple of the basic monthly salary (eg 12 or 24 or 36 times the monthly salary etc.). This common multiple applies to everyone regardless of status or income level. or,

(b) members are divided into grades by rank or pay scale or both and the sum insured is determined according to the grade.

How to get Group Insurance

All officers and employees up to the age of 60 years can be covered under group insurance. In case of group insurance, the minimum number of members is 15. for a specified period or Group insurance can be taken for the duration of employment or up to the fixed tenure of the organization.


Insurers have so far not been able to formulate a fixed premium schedule for group insurance. So to select the lowest premium of group insurance we need information as per below table.

Name of organization


Details of Officers/Employees

Sl. No. Name Designation Date of Birth Monthly
Basic Salary

As soon as we get the above information, we will determine the minimum premium rate and let you know.

Contract of Insurance

The premium is determined after receiving complete information as per the table above. After receiving the first year's premium, the policy is executed.

Insurance Claims

Only National Life Insurance Company has the credit of payment within 7 days of submission of insurance claim. Because sympathy and help during the days of pain will help to strengthen the friendship. Apart from conventional life insurance, the company has arranged life insurance under group insurance schemes.

Such As- 

1. Group Term Insurance 

2. Group Term Insurance

3. Group Pension Insurance,

          For example:- (a) Retirement Pension

                              (b) Retirement lump sum of Taka

                              (c) In case of death before retirement a lump sum of Taka

                              (d) Pension to wife in case of death before or after retirement.

All these schemes are good way to achieve life insurance security at minimum cost and morale of employees for higher productivity. Apart from these schemes, if necessary, the company may consider other scheme plans at lower premiums for special groups. Life insurance can effectively solve many problems. It is indeed an extraordinary and beneficial asset as it is a property with security, peace of mind, post retirement income, guaranteed capital gains and tax avoidance at the same time.

When is savings most needed..?

► In case of sudden death.
► For emergency based expenditure needs.
► When income stops but household expenses stay the same.
► In old age.
► For daughter's marriage.
► In free time.
► For house building.

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